Empower Your Cannabis Solutions in Real-Time with CannMenus API

Seize the opportunity to transform the cannabis industry landscape with our comprehensive API. By leveraging CannMenus, you access not just data but real-time insights that drive innovation, enhance user engagement, and optimize marketing strategies. Our commitment extends beyond technology; we offer $200 in monthly credits to fuel your projects and a scalable solution that grows with your success. Dive into our documentation, explore the possibilities, and join a community dedicated to redefining cannabis technology's future.

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Cannabis Data Applications

Real-Time Insights, Real Value

Our unparalleled data sets the industry benchmark, empowering innovation and competitive advantage.

Product Finder

Elevate your online shopping platform with real-time product availability, enhancing user experience.


Activate customizable notifications for the latest product releases or promotions, maintaining high user engagement.

Marketing & Advertising

Utilize our API for intelligent ad targeting, optimizing your marketing investments for maximum impact.

Exclusive Offer

Build at No Cost with Our Monthly Credits

Kickstart your journey with us by taking advantage of $200 in monthly credits towards your CannMenus API subscription. Committed to advancing cannabis technology, we provide up to 5,000 requests every month, completely free of charge.


Our pricing is designed to grow with your needs, ensuring you always get the best value. Pay only for what you use with our tiered rates for API requests. Plus, all tiers have access to premium data columns for an additional fixed surcharge.

TierRequestsRate per RequestPremium Data Access Rate
Tier 1Up to 30,000$0.04$0.01
Tier 230,001 - 90,000$0.03$0.01
Tier 3Above 90,000$0.02$0.01

Frequently asked questions