Thai G

Thai G Strain Description

Thai G is a sativa-dominant strain that was created by crossing a Thai Landrace strain with the strain G6 (aka Jet Fuel). This energizing powerhouse is famous for its uplifting cerebral high, and delicious bright flavor. This strain packs a powerful punch with a THC content that ranges between 29-33% THC.


At first hit, you should feel a nice uplift in mood that will be sure to elevate your outlook on your day. However, remember to take it slow as the effects of this strain can take a while to fully be felt. After a while, there is a nice uptick in energy and focus that begins to build which might give you the motivation you need to get some work done or finish tasks around the house. Many users also report feeling inspired by waves of creative ideas when consuming Thai G - making this a favorite among artists and musicians.

We think this strain is also perfect for going out on an adventure or a hike, or even before heading to the gym for a workout. Thai G also makes for an ideal daytime or wake-and-bake strain, setting you off to face your day in a calmly motivated state of blissful euphoria.

Many users also report feeling more talkative and social from this strain, so it can be a great strain to enjoy with friends or at an event where you might have to carry on multiple conversations.

This strain can be helpful for stress and anxiety. The body buzz can help with minor aches and pains. This strain also has a reputation for bringing about feelings of hunger, for patients looking for a strain to aid in increasing appetite.

Aroma and Taste

The initial aroma of Thai G is bright with notes of citrus and skunk being most prominent. When you break up the buds you can smell notes of diesel, berries, and earthy notes. This diesel aroma reminds you of its parent strain, Jet Fuel. This is due to terpenes like caryophyllene and myrcene. The flavor is delicious when smoked, with the flavor of creamy berries, citrus, and skunk being the strongest flavors.

Where can you buy Thai G?

Use CannMenus Product Search tool to find Thai G at a dispensary near you.